Tré Smith
For President
"I may know absolutely nothing about politics, and I may in no way be qualified for the job. But, I mean, it'd be kinda cool to be president nomesayin'?" ~~Tré Smith
Stances on
The issues
There are borders, but what if we just got rid of them. Then we wouldn't have this problem.
Business taxes
I mean we could just get rid of taxes they are kinda annoying, I mean lets be real here for a second
The Electoral College
Yo college is for nerds *high five*
Free trade agreement
Hey I like free stuff just like anyone else.
Well as long as we keep ourselves healthy and we care about it we should be alright.
The division in this country
Yo math sucks, miss me with that
My vision for this country is like the quote by JFK, "Where are my damn socks?". But instead of where are my damn socks, it should be where are OUR damn socks. Because I care for everyone of you American people (except the furries you guys need to grow the hell up) I will do everything in my power to make this country chill again. (Jk we were never chill lol)
My vision is very simple I will get rid of healthcare, taxes, and I will completely get rid of our borders. We don't need them they obviously cause problems so lets just get rid of them lol I can't believe no one has thought of this. We need to destroy ISIS we got nukes we should just kill those sand dogs.
I am passionate about OUR country. And I want all of us to get the "socks" we all deserve. So please support me on this great journey to become the United states of America's next facis..erm...president!
OUR Campaign
Tré (The man himself) Smith
Your Future President
David Cross
Shark Tooth
Campaign Treasurer
Tel: 123-456-7890
Tel: 520-790-7678
Tel: N/A
Tré Smith's Campaign Team
3823 Ukraine Dr Columbus, GA 31906​
Email: urboi@tresmithpresidency.com
Tel: 520-790-7678
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